Donnerstag, 14. Mai 2009

Doing some time in Leavenworth, Kansas

stastitic: 74,5 mi, 4:57:50 hrs 2603 hft avr speed 15 mph

Hey guys this page is just for You, because today I've met such wonderful people I like to deticate this page for You.
After spending the night in a Motel 6 in LawrenceI took off early and went on High Way 24/40. In Tangonoxie i asked some locals about a nice country road to Leavenworth"Take Country road # 5, that will be your best bet. Rather hilly I must say, but nice to ride. In Leavenworth I tried to cross the Missouri River, but I ran into one of the best Bicycle Shop west of the Missouri by accident. " I need some air !" The owner, Brendan P. Sheehan and his associates (pic) from the "Santa Fee Bicycle Shop" took care of my bike and renewed the housing of my shifting gear.Brendan , who is an ex US Army Officer spend 3 years in Germany and knows road biking in Germany very well. There are many German Army Officers in Fort Leavenworth and some of them are clients of Brendan.check it out: Later I had breakfast/lunch at the "Pullman Place" where I' ve met the 3 blondes from Pullman (pic). Than I finally crossed the river and turned north towards St. Joseph (St.Joe) In the Convention & Visitors Bureau I ran into Lindsay Bernard who recommended the Holiday Inn where I' m going to stay 2 nights, because I need a break and there is a storm coming in tomorrow. Hopefully not as bad as the one which hit Kirksville so fatally. I have to reroute my tour. I think up in Kirksville there will be no motel ready for service. Now I'm enjoining whirl pool and spa. Hey Lindsay:" thanks 4 the advice!"

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